Good Morning everyone. I got today off, so I am here starting my new journal. I could have transferred my AOL to here, but since AOL Journals is shutting down at the end of the month, I decided to just leave the past in the past and start fresh here. I have even changed my Title and everything. So, I hope you enjoy my new journals. Like AOL, I will be keeping you all updated in my world.
Things has been crazy for me the past few weeks. I have been working 40 to 50 hours a week. I was hired as part-time (Working these kind of hours is not part-time....lol). Anyway, I finally got my first check last Friday....and it was a good one...lol. We get paid every other Friday. It is the Assistant Manager, me and another cashier that is working at this store right now, until they get someone else hired in there. Well, Monday Night, my assistant manager, gets a migraine headache, she was complaining about it all day, even while we unloaded a 80 boxes of stuff. Well, at 6pm, we are putting out stock that had came in....guess what! She passes out on me....that is right! Talking about someone being scared....I was. She finally wakes up and calls her husband and told him to come and get her, and we called another lady to come in to close the store at 8. Well, she was behind the counter laying in the floor, with a wet paper towel on her face. Well, the other manger from another store finally got there...(she had been in the doctor office that day her ownself). Well anyway, her husband finally got there around 7, and when they went to get her up, she passed out again...this time not breathing. They finally got her to come to again, by blowing in her face. They finally got her to the car and took her home. She had Tuesday off, so they sent another Assistant Manager from another store to close with me, and she was so sweet. My regular Assistant Manager is back to work, but she is not 100% yet. They are working her to death....just the three of us at that store. They are waiting on some paperwork to come in to hire someone else....I hope it will be soon.
On top of all that, My second cousin died on Monday. Her wait is tonight, so we are going to be at the funeral home tonight with the family. I have to work tomorrow, so I will not be able to go to the funeral.
As you all know, my son is being evaluated for ADHD. Well, they tested him yesterday. I have to go back on the 22nd of this month and get the test results.
Well, I have to go now....today is my youngest step-sons 19th birthday. I am going to cook a good supper for him and bake him a cake. I have to pick him up this afternoon also....but I am doing the cake first, because he has no clue about it.
That is it for this one. I know I was just rambling on today....but that is what has been going on in my world the past few weeks.
did that lady go to the doc? could i work part time there but do nothing but stock shelfs?
Hi, I am jamcs605...now Janice. Love you new blog! Will stop back a little later.
Hey there! Glad you decide to come one over!
its looking good.
So glad you are all set up over here with us! Was wondering how you are doing and missing your comments and your wonderful journal. Your blog looks wonderful and I hope the work load lightens for you. Wow hope that co worker is okay. Hugs,
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