I hope that I am not boring everyone about talking about my son. You just don't know (well, some of you do), but my son is 9 years old. He is suppose to be the fourth grade, but instead he is in the second grade. He failed one year in kindergarten, one year in first grade. I thought it was just his ears, because he have had so many ear infections since he was a baby. Three set of tubes in his ears from ages 1-4. He even came close to losing his hearing through all of of this time. But just recently I found out that he had other problems which was affecting him on his learning, because he kept losing concentration. Well, as you all know he is on medicine for that now. And here is the report that I got from his teacher, concerning Monday and Tuesday.
Monday: Dakota did okay in class today. He did seem to be a little more attentative than usual. He volunteered to go to the board and answer some bell work questions, which he knew the right answer so that always helps build confidence. I do not see any side effects from the meds.
Tuesday: Dakota has done well today. He was very interested in reading AR books today. He has a friend in class that likes to read to him and with him. He took 5 AR tests today and made all 100's. I bragged on him and told him how excited I was for him, that he was doing GREAT! Meds have not seemed to have any bad side affects at all. He has not complained of stomach hurting or been sleepy in class. Hyperactivity as seemed to calm down a little to.
That was the note that I received yesterday. This is what I have witnessed here at home. Monday, I got home from work around 8:15pm. He was sitting on the couch watching tv, and when I came through the door, he had to show me his homework right away. He had it all written so neat...usually it is all sloppy, he showed me his math sheet...dealing with calendars. He was ready to get right on to studying Spelling Words. I was eating and calling out spelling words. He got them all right.
Yesterday, he got off of the bus at home. I got off at 1pm, so I was here. When he stepped off of the bus, he was reading a book. I could never get him to sit down and read a book.....he was just not interested in it. Well, he came inside and was reading the book while I got their homework layed out and then he did his homework, and then after that was done. I schemed through the book, the part he had already read...and I asked him to tell me about it, then I would ask him questions about the book, about what he was reading. He did really good.
It was hard for me, when I found out that he needed to be put on medicine, but it is working wonderful. I have prayed about it, I have gotten so many advice from you all, including from another group that I am in....you all have been so wonderful. I have even researched everything. I am really glad to see him calming down and wanting to read and do homework. I am so relieved.
This is our secret, he does not know about this, but for Christmas....he is getting the Hooked on Phonics reading program. They have it at Walmart for $50.00. I really believe it will help him too. I am aiming to more of learning things this year. I do every year, but they get alot of toys too...but I think learning games, things like that will help him also.
Well, I am going to end here. I am suppose to be cleaning house today, and I have not felt like doing anything. I am getting this sinus mess that is going on. My throat is really sore, so I hope that I am not getting my daughter's strep throat either. I will talk to you all later. I am going to go and read some of your journals, and then start cleaning some around noon. I am wanting to start working on Christmas things that I make out of Plastic Canvas. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
I have a request. If you all have any Christmas Tags or Blinkies, please share with me. Besides ThanksGiving Christmas is my favorite holiday. I am ready to start collecting Christmas.

that is really good audie. im so glad to here this. and i know that you are too. lol tell him i said WAY TO GO. lol
Oh hunny, that is wonderful! I am so happy and proud right along with you! There is nothing more exciting than seeing a child get excited about reading and getting problems right! WOOHOO! I will keep Dakota in my prayers for continuing success ALL his life!
Phyllis in SC
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